Author: bendunkle

  • Developer/Designer meetup

    Developer/Designer meetup

    Walker class to only show part of a menu-Chris will give code to Jen Responsive code responsive nav -plugin for 1 level of menu nav on responsive smaller than 800px, just serve 1. if larger, generate smaller images and use css/media queries to serve lower res images. sidr javascript menu generator Woothemes: Chris Recommended “canvas”…

  • Notes from 1-16-14 meetup

    Scott brought up a bunch of attacks on his site, mainly the dreaded DDoS/brute force stuff. Scott presented on security plugins, including: “better wp security” has a “hide backend option” that will hide the wp-admin, redirecting the user to a 404. Make sure your .htaccess file is writeable! looked at sucuri scanner wordfence You should…

  • Notes from Thursday, 11-21-13 meetup

    Helped with SEO issues. Suggestions: change the h3 tag on homepage to an h1 tag; eliminate duplicate content by adding a home category and only showing posts of that type on the home page. This will also save lots of time. Learning links:

  • Meetup notes November 7, 2013

    Some links: hosting:  

  • Notes from 10-23-13 meetup

    Andy demo’d SASS/SCSS Ben demo’d writing plugins; Plugin demo yielded this: Andy talked about web fonts

  • test revisions

    this is a test of revisions version 2

  • Notes

    Looked at making a gallery, discussion about linking a gallery site to an ecommerce site Regenerate thumbnails plugin is awesome Beginner sites:, Find and replace plugin: Securing your site with google authenticator  

  • Notes 6-21

    justin tadlock – custom post types WP SIMILE Timeline wp scan – ruby script wordcamp volunteers wed. 6/27 at Coles looked at may 4 blog post text editor showdown

  • 3/1/12 meetup notes

    I got there a little late. We helped a new attendee (sorry, didn’t catch his name) with some color and typography issues. Andy Staple worked with his css file to make the type and the line-height bigger. We learned about Gravity Forms and Mailchimp plugins. We discussed the Oct. 20 WordCamp event.