About The Buffalo WordPress Meetup

WP Buffalo is the online home of the Buffalo WordPress Users Meetup Group. We share a interest in WordPress and use it to power many of our own sites. Whether you’re a beginner or a expert, we’re here to expand the WordPress footprint in WNY & help educate others on the WordPress Platform.

History of the Buffalo WordPress Meetup

The idea for the Group was the collaboration of Andy Staple & Ben Dunkle. Both Andy and Ben had been to WordCamps before and both thought that there was a real need for something in Buffalo that also shows the power and flexibility of WordPress. Andy started the meetup.com group back in Late 2009 and since then we’ve been steadily growing in numbers.

About the Group

We’re a very relaxed group of people who love to hear everyone’s opinions. Our goal is to have information for both the Novice and Advanced users of WordPress.

Our typical meetup consists of 3 parts.

  • A Q&A bit for any questions any users have, answered by the rest of the group
  • A Main Topic for the Evening – Suggestions are welcomed for future dates
  • WP News, Updates, and General Discussion