Notes from the August 16th meetup

Hi all! Below are notes from our August 16th meetup. Have any suggestions for a future meetup? Leave them in the comments or at our Meetup group!

Beginner’s Hour

We talked about a variety of subjects in our beginner’s hour, including:

How do you find free stock images for blog posts? A few websites that might help came up, including:

We also looked at some paid options, like

We also had a big discussion on WordPress security. The general consensus was that while core is secure, you need to be conscious of plugins and keeping your site updated. A few resources that came up were:

Advanced Hour

In our “advanced hour,” we spent the bulk of the time looking at our members’ websites and trying to fix problems they were having.

At the end, Ben walked us through WP_Query and query_posts, two advanced ways to get posts, pages, or other content types in WordPress. Those links will take you to the documentation so you can learn more!

Hope to see you next time!