Category: Group News
Volunteer to help organize WordCamp Buffalo 2013
Volunteer to help organize the Conference. This will be something starting soon, and lasting until the day before the WordCamp. Read more about volunteering here.
WordCamp Buffalo Tickets on Sale Now!
Get your ticket for the first ever WordCamp Buffalo, on October 20th, 2012 at Lyons Hall, Canisius College. A full day of tons of great information on how you can work with WordPress. Included are morning refreshments, lunch, and a T-Shirt, on top of getting to talk to some of the smartest WordPress people around!…
Our New Site
So as you can see, we’ve got a new design up on the site. We’re still tweaking many features but figured if we’re a WordPress Meetup, we should show off how you can make WordPress look any way you’d like. We’ll be continuing to massage some additional elements into the design, but feel free to…